Meet our new teachers!
Op 1 mei zijn deze 12 dames officieel gestart met de opleiding tot Montessori lerares. De ECD (Early Childhood Development) opleiding wordt verzorgd door het Montessori Centre South Africa en betaald door de Stichting Obonto. Uiteindelijk zullen zij in 2 jaar tijd een diploma (Montessori higher certificate NQF Level 5) halen. Deze vrouwen gaan in de toekomst werken op de nieuwe Ikhaya Labantwana Montessori school of in een van de 6 toekomstige satelliet pre-schools in de verschillende dorpen rondom Coffee Bay. Succes dames!
Our new teachers - excited and ready to tackle the learning:
Nandipha Sinyeke, from Bhakaleni village, wants to open a Montessori pre-school in her village, Ntombifuthi Jokansi, from Dunga village, wants to open a Montessori preschool in her village, Irene Gaqa, from Lukhwetu village, cuurently works at ILM as an Assistant teacher, Nomonde Majongozi, from Jonga village, not yet working in ECD, but wants to, Nokuthula Sinyeke, from Bhakaleni village, acting Directress at ILM, has been with the project for 2 years, Nomaphuzi Mtyana, from Mapuzi village, cuurently the teacher at Mawotsheni pre-school (project of Willen en Doen) which will convert to Montessori, Vuyokazi Horner, from Mapuzi village, wants to open a Montessori pre-school at an orphanage in Mapuzi, already has a building, Thobeka Mankunkwana, from Sizindeni village, wants to open a Montessori pre-school in her village, Nomthandazo Pono, currently the teacher at Qhogi pre-school at the Chief's place, does not get any payment, Thoko Tshemese, from Rini village, wants to open a Montessori pre-school in her village, Thokozile Shasha, from Coffee Bay, currently volunteer at Lavonne's reading hut in Kayamnandi and Fundiswa Sihoyo, from Ngoko, curently assistent teacher at ILM, wants to open a Montessori pre-school in her village.
De eerste week / Training started this week - what fun was had by all!
Fundiswa in her element with the new Presentation Tray, Ntombifuthi and TK attempting the Red Rods, Irene and TK coming up with a new version of coloured cylinder grading, Findiswa and Nomaphusa, Vuyokazi and Thobeka learning to pour, Thoko and Nomtandazo getting to grips with pegging.